Category: Away3D

  • Create lightweight 3D models with Away3D

    Create lightweight 3D models with Away3D

      Alot of the flash 3D project on the internet are massive. They first have to download 40mb before they start. There are 2 ways to reduce this. Use PreFab 2.0 export (not yet released) to export every model to awd files. Make simple models with Actionscript I made a example project to show how to…

  • Music visualisation with SoundMixer.computeSpectrum();

    Music visualisation with SoundMixer.computeSpectrum();

      Just some fun with Away3D and the SoundMixer class. View example

  • Distort with drawTriangles()

    Distort with drawTriangles()

    There are a growing number of posts about the technique to distort an image with the drawTriangles() function. But most of those examples create a lot of extra vertices that aren’t needed for displaying the image and more calculation means more CPU consumption. I explain here how to work with verticals and show some basic…

  • Experimental flickr photo viewer

    Experimental flickr photo viewer

    Not so long ago I saw a nice menu from (I’m not really sure) a game console on TV. It had a tilted view on 3D planes with information from a games and after selecting a plane the plane rotate toward the camera so you could see more detail from the selected game. I made…

  • Augmented Reality

    A few weeks ago I was busy finding a graduate project. And during that time augmented reality looked very interesting. Most of you know what it means, for the others here a small explaining line from wikipedia: Augmented reality (AR) is a field of computer research which deals with the combination of real-world and computer-generated…

  • Draw on 3D object

    Here in Holland you have free news papers that you can read when you consume any kind of  public transportation.  In my childhood when I was bored I took a newspaper and draw all sorts of objects on  photo’s of famous people,  like: glasses, moustaches, beards and acme. I think this is also cool in…

  • More playing with 3D and 3D physics engine

    I extended the Flex 3D example of my previous post some more. Now you can drag (left mousebutton) the objects and bounce them into each other. I think the smart visiters will see that it look a little like TileUI from Doug McCune or TileUI copy of Bill White. I tried to make something like…

  • Playing around with 3D and WOW

    Watch the Away3D and WOW demo. Sometimes they stand like a tower and sometimes it almost look like they explode. Click on the onderground to reset the cubes to a random position

  • Preformance tips Away3D

    While I was building my ImageViewer3D I noticed a few things that can make everything just a little bit faster. And for the challenge and for fun I made a sort of testing application. I build it with Flex and Away3D You can change the a few things such as the amount of 3d objects,…

  • ImageViewer3D final release

    Today I’m going to release the code of ImageViewer3D like I promised before. It is not finished but I have to move on to other things. I few days ago I asked everyone to give input and because of the shortage of time I can’t put every suggestion in. Sorry for that but many thanks…