Tutorial Flex on Rails login system part 3: Install WebORB

This tutorial is part 3 of a tutorial about Flex, Ruby on Rails and WebORB. This is the full List:

Tutorial Flex on Rails part 1: Introduction
Tutorial Flex on Rails part 2: Install Ruby on Rails
Tutorial Flex on Rails part 3: Install WebORB
Tutorial Flex on Rails part 4: Building a login system

What is WebORB?

WebORB for Rails supplying a connection between Ruby on Rails and Flex (or Flash). WebORB for Rails creates services that can be called by Flex (or Flash). WebORB can be installed as a plugin in every Rails application. The services can be called trough using the Flex Data Services.

Installing the WebORB plugin

* Open the console and go to your ruby folder. (Instant Rails: Right mouse button on the I in the right bottom of your taskbar > Rails Application > Open Ruby Console Window)
* Create a rails project:
“>rails mijnapplication”
*If the project is created we are going to the project directory:
“>cd mijnapplication”
*Install the WebORB plugin
“>ruby script/plugin install http://themidnightcoders.net:8089/svn/weborb''
*Start your webserver:
“>ruby script/server”

Testing WebORB

* Open your webbrowser
* Type: http://localhost:3000/examples/example.html a Flex application will be opened
* Click the button “Get Computer Info”, if everything is going alright the field will be filled.


Getting Started with WebORB for Ruby on Rails

Midnight Coders



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9 responses to “Tutorial Flex on Rails login system part 3: Install WebORB”

  1. Joseph Avatar

    Thank you for this tutorial –
    Something awkward is happening with testing the WebOrb, when I go to my localhost:3000 I am able to see the Welcome Aboard home. But when I go to localhost:3000/examples/example.html – I get a routing error.
    “Recognition failed for “examples/example/html” .
    On the other hand, when I run It goes straight to the pre-given example of MyCookBook, where I can add and edit the db. The same happens with for the typo account signup (these come pre-built with InstantRails: http://instantrails.rubyforge.org/wiki/wiki.pl?Getting_Started)
    n.b. I am bypassing the Apache with Mongrel (in Manage Rails Application).

    please help on how I can get around this [ so I can use with Flex.
    Thanks 🙂

  2. admin Avatar

    You have to stop the server for MyCookBook. I think you have a console window open for that application. To start another server you have to do this step again:

    “>cd myapplication”
    *Start your webserver:
    “>ruby script/server”

    After you give a ENTER you get a port number back ( or for example).

    “Recognition failed for “examples/example/html”
    Ruby is translating this to something he can understand. Normally you have an URL like this in ruby:

  3. Bill Brantley Avatar
    Bill Brantley

    Thanks for the tutorial. Everything works up to the point when I click on the button and I get a “Send Failed” error. I am very new at this so please forgive me if this is a newbie mistake.

    I am running Windows XP and IIS is running. Thanks.

  4. Arno Manders Avatar

    I think you missed a step. Try to install WebORB again. Make sure you start the ruby server.

    It can go wrong at many points so it is hard for me to give a clear answer.

  5. Bill Brantley Avatar
    Bill Brantley

    Hello Arno:

    I see my mistake. I used RoR 2.0 instead of RoR 1.4. So, I installed InstantRails 1.4 and reinstalled WebORB. Now it works.

    So, my next question is how to update this to RoR 2.0? Thanks.

  6. Arno Manders Avatar

    Well we wrote this almost 1,5 years ago and I translated it to english a 4 months ago. At this moment i’m not working with Ruby anymore so honestly I have no clue how to update.

    After some searching I found this:
    and click on “Flex Integration”. That is a more up to date tutorial. I hope it is useful for you

  7. onur gunduz Avatar

    i’m having the same problem (“send failed”) on rails 2.0 it sucks

  8. onur gunduz Avatar

    weborb sucks huge. it just doesn’t work.

  9. Arno Manders Avatar

    Did you check out the documentation of Weborb like I mentioned above? It should work with rails 2.0

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